Sunday, January 1, 2012

Five Years and Counting

I know it's been a long time since I posted an update.

Last July marked five years since my wife and I decided to forgo vaginal sex altogether, instead opting to have anal sex.  In that time, we've maintained our thee to five times a week schedule.  She's not as amorous during PMS or during her period, but usually manages to get her ass off on my cock three times a week even then. 

It seems incredible to us that more couples don't, at least, practice anal sex on a regular basis.  In the time I've had this BLOG I've communicated with about a dozen couples who only practice anal sex, and a couple dozen more who incorporate it in their lovemaking each time.  There do seem to be a lot of couples who have anal sex about 50% of the time though.  Interestingly enough, this is the average in some places, such as Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

I do think anal sex is at least gaining more popularity.  Perhaps it's due to the prevalence of anal sex in porn.  Perhaps it's due to more societal acceptance.  Whatever the case, more and more couples are incorporating anal sex into their lovemaking. 

Statistics show that at least 46% of women have tried anal sex, and nearly 33% report having it regularly.  Yet, a Journal of Sexual Medicine survey found that, of those women having vaginal sex in their last encounter, 65% reached orgasm.  Of those receiving oral sex it was 81%.  But of those receiving anal sex, 94% reported reaching orgasm.

So, why aren't more couples practicing anal sex if it's the best way to achieve orgasm?  I think it comes down to this quote by Toni Bentley:

"A man must have confidence in himself and his cock, to fuck a woman in the ass. If he does not have this control, his cock will direct the action; he will move too quickly, hurt the once-willing woman, and rarely, rightly, will he be given a second chance."

If done correctly, anal sex can be a more pleasurable experience than vaginal.  However, done incorrectly (especially until the female is able to achieve orgasm though anal sex), and anal sex will be equated to an unpleasurable experience in her mind that will take much to overcome.  I think the number of couples who regularly engage in anal sex would be at least double. 

Taking your time, listening to her and to what her body is telling you, and lube are all keys to successful anal sex.  You shouldn't expect to have full penetration the first time you try anal sex.  The first time my wife and I had anal, we both orgasmed when my head "popped" past her spinchter.  It took a week of daily sex sessions before she could accept me fully.  I am fortunate in that she easily reached orgasm each time.  In short time, anal sex was a regular part of our lovemaking.

Social conditioning is one of the hardest things to overcome when it comes to most women enjoying anal sex.  Even more, I believe she needs to desire anal sex before attempting it.  If she's open to watching porn, some of the couple oriented anal movies may go a long way to putting her at ease that anal sex is just another form of sexual expression.  If not, subtle fondling of her ass during vaginal intercourse or oral sex will heighten her desire.  Hopefully, her body language will let you know she wants more.  I hope to post more about this in the near future.

Hopefully the trend toward anal sex with continue and more couple will learn to enjoy the ultimate orgasm through anal sex.  Toni  Bently put it this way:

“I am sitting on the threshold. Perhaps this is the final paradox of God’s paradoxical machinations: my ass is my very own back door to heaven. The Pearly Gates are closer than you think.”


  1. For my wife her back door is more like a wrought iron then pearly gates. I can't get her to give her ass up once. Your wife wants it in her ass? You fuck your wife in her ass almost every day? You cum in her ass?

    I would be happy to get anal sex just once a month. I would love to find out what it feels like to cum in my wifes ass.

    Life is unfair you lucky mother fucker!

    1. Sounds like somebody ought 2 purchase a butt plug (or 2 -- one for her & one for you to be fair/open/sharing about things) --- would also suggest sharing enemas to climax

  2. My wife and I have been having anal sex exclusively for about a year and a half now. We have been together seven years and have had anal sex for about six of them. When I met her she was totally reluctant to do it, but after much playing and experimenting, she decided to go for it. She says she enjoys is more than vaginal, and that's the case for me as well.
    So, we are not as further along down the road and you, but we are also letting vaginal sex become a thing of the past. She achieves intense orgasms every single time. Also, we have noticed none of the side effects that people maliciously advertise.
    Take care.

  3. Me and my girlfriend always have anal sex to. We have pussy sex first then her ass. I bet I haven't cum in her pussy in two years, only her asshole. She cums better from her ass. After reading your site I want to ask her if we can try only anal sex with no pussy at all.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm glad she likes it in her asshole every time. I would just like to skip her pussy.

    She likes rough anal sex and I can fuck her asshole even harder and deeper then her pussy. She likes it when I hold her hips in doggy and slam my dick in her ashole as deep as it goes until I cum. We both like it when I cum in her asshole. I push as deep as I can and she pushes back. That way I plant my seed really deep in her ass and it doesn't come out.

  4. To the last poster: I wish you luck. You're over the biggest hurdle already, in that she is not only comfortable having your cock in her ass, but she can take being pounded and has better orgasms with anal sex than vaginal. There is a chance she really would like to go straight to anal, but due to social conditioning may be afraid to admit it, even though you tell her that's what you want as well.

    Try to make her a deal: If she's willing to do anal only for a month, you'll do something really great, like take her on a trip somewhere. I'm confident that, if she agree and does it, it will be her preference by the end of the month.

    Do me a favor, and let us know how it goes.


  5. So you are back! I'm looking forward to hearing more from you.

  6. My girlfriend and I have been having anal sex for many years now and in the last 18 months have been having anal exclusively, every 4-5 days. She is so relaxed about it now and simply never asks for vaginal any more and I'm more than happy with this. There's no good reason to want to go back; no vagina compares to the softness and heat inside a woman's bottom.
    As you say, contrary to ignorant rumor there are no adverse effects, only deep satisfaction for both partners.

  7. So you're nearly at the six year mark now :)

    Congratulations. There's something really beautiful about a couple who choose to forego vaginal sex entirely and discover instead a much more thrilling and satisfying love life. Without a doubt there are many such couples out there - it just isn't something spoken about.

    Keep us updated!

  8. It's awesome to have found your site. Like you and your wife my wife and I only have anal sex. We tried it one time when we had run out of rubbers. It felt so incredible to both of us. Best of all I didn't have to wear a rubber and could cum in her ass and not worry about her getting pregnant. From then on we hardly have regular sex. We've been married for a little over two years now and have still never cum in her pussy. I cum in her ass about three or four times a week though. When I say I don't cum in her pussy I mean I don't even fuck it. We can't even imagine having pussy sex until we want to have kids later. What is so awesome is that she only want to have my cock in her ass.

  9. It so many anal only videos today. Is it new trend for future? Do you think that moder women are affected by it?

    1. All the old taboos are falling. Can only be a good thing for modern women who can start to enjoy anal without the guilt, and that it is normal and healthy. One day people will laugh about all this like they do now at the victorians.

  10. I like your site but I have a problem. Me and my girlfriend have anal sex but mostly vaginal. She says she sometimes likes it in the ass but for me its the best. I cum much harder and also can go as deep as I like not like with her vagina where it sometimes hurts her. How can I get my girlfriend to want to have anal every time like your wife?

    1. Kevin,

      Thanks for the comments. The most important thing you can do to get your girlfriend to desire anal sex more, is for her to have an orgasm every time you have anal sex. Once this happens, she will probably want anal sex more. Once she can orgasm from anal sex, you should propose that she try only having anal sex for a couple of weeks. You know her personality. Some women would respond to being challenged, "I dare you to have only anal sex for two weeks." Some might respond to your desire, "I would find it such a turn on to have only anal sex for a couple of weeks. Would you do that for me?"

      Most of those I've talked to whose wife or girlfriend agreed to try only anal sex for a month overwhelmingly told me that, after doing so, they wanted anal sex every time they had sex. Some wanted to start with vaginal and finish with anal, but some wanted to forego vaginal sex altogether in preference to anal sex.

      If you want to talk more about how to bring her to orgasm, or how to get her to want anal sex more, please feel free to email me at

  11. I'm intrigued by this lifestyle choice. Are there any other websites that cover this? I searched but couldn't find anything.

    1. It is nice idea to start an such website.

  12. Jenny,

    Sorry, but I've never found another website dedicated to the sole practice of anal sex. If anyone knows of one, let me know. I'd be happy to post a link.

  13. After 5+ years of non vaginal sex, do you feel desire to try pussy again?
    I think that If I were in your shoes I would really like to do vaginal penetration from time to time. It is OK anal to be mainstream and prefered way of sexual life but pussy should not be forgotten.

    1. Over the course of nearly 20 years we gradually had vaginal sex less and less. It's not as if we don't know or remember what it feels like. We just don't have any desire to do something neither of us finds as pleasurable as anal sex. Both of us would just be wanting to move to anal from the moment we started.

      It's kind of like this: I went to a particular deli since I was about 5 years old. I'd tried everything on the menu over a number of years, but really preferred one particular sandwich. When I took my wife, she asked why I never ordered anything else. I told her I tried everyting on the menu many times over a number of years. I just like this particular sandwich the best, so why order something else?

    2. I'm with luvmywifesass on this. There doesn't seem to be any rationale for the vaginal penetration other than "because"...

      Which is exactly the problem he's been getting at in his blog posts, that people continue to make do with second best because they "should" or because of what everyone else is doing or not doing.

      This guilt trip, self inflicted or not, is why so many people are frustrated and unhappy with their sex lives.

    3. I can't believe it's all you do. What happens if your wife has a fissure, or is constipated or just has a sore ass?

    4. Just like the vagina, there are times when there can be issues. However, these are few and far between. We still have oral sex and other sexual activity. We just don't have vaginal sex (other than oral).

    5. I think I believe you. But I have just a simple question for you. I got my own ideas about this but its fascinating to hear what other people have to say. Do you think its something unusual about you and your wife or do you think that anal is just intrinsically better? Not saying you're right or wrong but most people don't avoid the vagina entirely.

  14. Cool site. Truth is, most guys would say yes to only anal in a heartbeat if given the chance. Those stats gotta be the tip of the iceberg. Nothing beats anal sex.

  15. well thats good if your wife only wants anal. i prefer only have analsex with a woman because the vagina get boring

    1. Stretches too much, especially after a few babies have come out that way!

  16. You're an inspiration. All that remains is to persuade my wife...

  17. I've been reading your posts with great interest as your story is very much like my own. My wife and I have been married almost as long as you and over time ceased having vaginal sex so that now we always have anal. My wife is from Brazil and has confirmed what you say above about how common anal sex is there. In fact it was she that introduced anal sex to our love-making, and it immediately became my preference. It took several years for us both to openly admit that in fact it was what we both preferred by a wide margin, my wife eventually admitting that she'd introduced it in the hope of "converting" me. As you know she needn't have feared on that score. I'm a lucky man with an exceptional wife, who has not yet found anywhere else or anyone with whom to share my story before. Who would believe it?

    1. It's interesting that you say that she introduced anal sex to you in an effort to convert you. In nearly half the anal only couples I conversed with it was the woman who introduced anal sex.

      Those of us with wives or girlfriends who prefer anal sex are lucky indeed. After nearly 22 years of having anal sex, and nearly six and a half of only anal, I still can't believe my wife and I agree my cock only belongs in her ass.

  18. its july again. does mr and mrs luvmywifesass celebrate their anal only anniversary?

    1. Of course. And what better way to celebrate than with a good session of anal? We celebrated July 4th with my roman candle shooting it's load deep in Mrs. Luvmywifesass' ass.

  19. It appears that (especially in Brazil, but more & more among young couples with very strict "Christian" upbringings against vaginal sex/pregnancy -- anal being an excellent "substitute" & much more popular than "oral" can be) anal sex is growing in popularity or at least in people willing to admit/share the news about it! Anal certainly is an effective means of birth control/avoiding pregnancy. Who knows how soon it will be more & more widely accepted & practiced. In the mean time, sexual freedom hooray!
