Thursday, February 21, 2013

Exit Only?

In response to the last post I received the following:

"It's an exit not an entrance. His wife is obviously suffering enough without making her do something painful and unnatural. Many people have discovered to their cost too late how harmful this activity can be, you only have to speak to any doctor about it.  This woman needs counselling and support not abuse."

Oh please, many women find anal sex a pleasurable alternative to vaginal when health issues cause vaginal sex to be uncomfortable.

As far as the, "It's an exit" argument, what is there about the design of the anus and rectum that makes one assume this?  To the contrary, if you look at the below illustration, which is shaped more like a penis, the vagina or the rectum?  Which one is open ended and looks like it could accommodate a larger penis?  The vagina is closed ended.  It can be uncomfortable or even painful for a woman if a man hits the back wall of her vagina during intercourse.  If a man ejaculates while the head of his penis is against the wall of the vagina, it can be difficult to ejaculate fully.  He may even experience a retrograde ejaculation, where semen is forced into the urinary tract.  As the rectum is open ended, the man can penetrate the woman fully and experience complete ejaculation.  As well, as the rectum is tighter, the woman can feel each surge of the man as he ejaculates.

As my wife and I have been having anal sex for nearly 22 years, I'm just wondering when this harm will come to her?


  1. Not that tired old cliché. Seriously, when will these people give up? And why come to a site like this if that's how you think? But yeah, stick your fingers in your ears and pretend the anus has no role in human sexuality. Meanwhile the rest of us move on, and steadily more and more give it a chance and through *actual experience* come to realize it is preferable.

    For some of us it's quite the opposite - the vagina is an exit, not an entrance.

    Rant over :)

    1. Exactly. There is only one reason for anal sex:pleasure. Vaginal sex serves the purpose of reproduction. It is pleasurable, but nothing compared to anal sex when it's done correctly. As humans, a majority of the sex we have is for pleasure and not for reproduction. Anal sex serves this purpose better. What's more, it's a natural form of birth control.

  2. WARNING! Vaginal sex may lead in as little as 9 months to permanent damage to the vagina. Complications include; bleeding, stretching, tearing and scarring. In many cases medical intervention will be required. Just ask any doctor :)

    You are, of course, entirely correct to say that vaginal sex is pleasurable. Well of course it must be to some degree else there would be no reproduction. But human sexuality is far more than just the continuation of the species. Bonding with a mate and increasing of emotional attachment is based on pleasure and intimacy. As you've observed, anal sex serves this purpose better, that is its role, and is probably something humans have been doing for millennia. Regretfully, once humans became capable of bigotry and moralising, what was once normal began to be deemed "unnatural" as your angry correspondent would say.

  3. Another 40 something couple here - Not going to comment on the "entrance/exit" troll as enough has been said already - it's just plain ridiculous.

    What did grab my attention was your description of how the "woman can feel each surge of the man as he ejaculates" - that's exactly how my wife describes it, and usually enough to send her over the edge if she hasn't already got there.

  4. My ex-wife had cancer of the cervix and vagina at only 25 and after surgery we decided to give anal a try. It was the best decision we ever made. It's true she never made a complete physical recovery, but that alternative helped her heal in other ways. Sometimes I'm sad we split as my current wife won't let me anywhere near her ass. Tired of hearing its exit only.

    1. I feel for you. It can't be easy if you've been used to enjoying anal being expected to give it up. It's like dining at the finest restaurant in town for years then being told you have to eat at McDonalds forever after.

      Is she really dead set against it? Did she have a bad experience with another man? Perhaps she could be persuaded to try it for a special occasion. Another thing that often works is rather than trying to go straight for penetration is to slowly seduce her by licking her anus. Women love that as much as anal sex and it will slowly get her used to the idea that her ass is a source of pleasure. It may take a few weeks or even longer but she'll eventually get curious enough to try penetration. Good luck.

  5. love this blog. but no way is it exit only...once a girls done it a few times it slips in easy. the only problem with anal is its so addictive...once your hooked you dont want to go back to the pussy.

  6. Yup. One of those instances where nature has got it ass-backwards (if you'll pardon the pun) in the design department as your diagram so neatly illustrates.

  7. I like to think a woman is free to choose what she does with her body.

    If I may make a comment on the anatomical diagram - the rectum is indeed open ended, and can accommodate all sizes of penis - but the diagram above makes it look as if it is open to the same diameter all the way which is not true. Like with the penis hitting the cervix during vaginal sex, care has to be taken due to the natural curve of the rectum so that the penis does not strike wall and cause pain. Additionally, after the first 3-4 inches of the cavity of the rectum (and this varies from woman to woman) the passage narrows considerably as it passes into the colon. This narrowing can and does expand but once again care must be taken not to force it. It's these differences that can catch out the novices to anal.

    I'd agree to the last part about being able to fully penetrate is true, though whether this is actually true that I have more penis in me or just 'feel' more full I'm not sure. You're correct also about feeling your partner cum - because of the tightness you do feel it more intensely than when he cums in your vagina. It's a much more connected and involved feeling and also deeply erotic.

  8. At last someone else who sees that an asshole makes a better match for a cock shapewise. Thanks, I don't feel so crazy for thinking that, lol!

  9. This is a great blog. Thanks for providing it, luvmywifesass, and thanks for all the positive comments and contributions from others.

    As a male, I have personally had anal sex with a couple of women in my lifetime, both whom instigated it first time round. I love it. The second girl, a long-term girlfriend, was happy for me to come inside her anus. What a feeling.

    I remember one session in particular, where we were spooning, and I was playing with her clit. We came at the same time, me shooting my load deep into her bum, so physically close, and also so emotionally close. A powerful experience, and the best sex session I've ever had, possibly. I remember cumming quite hard and deep.

    I've always been open to the idea that women could love it as much as men. The work of 'David Shade' confirmed this for me.

    But a question for the anal pros here. Is anyone here giving their woman virginal orgasms through anal sex, or are the orgasms you're giving your woman just from stimulating her clit? David Shade says the most powerful orgasms for her from anal will be virginal orgasms, as opposed to clitoral, meaning digital stimulation is not necessarily needed in order for a woman to achieve orgasm from anal, or indeed, virginal sex.

    And are many men here able to get their woman to squirt from their virginal orgasms through anal?

    I continue my search for my next anal quarry.

    1. I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier. My wife stimulates her clit about 50% of the time. She reaches orgasm faster that way. However, the other 50% of the time, her vagina/clitoris receive no direct stimulation. She has longer, more intense orgasms this way.

  10. Like the previous person said - this is such a great blog. Feel like I've found somewhere I belong what with all the like minded people commenting here.

    Unlike probably most of you I'm still quite new to the world of anal sex, and nowhere near exclusively anal. Its only been about 6 months but I already know I'd rather have anal sex than anything else. That first time with my girlfriend was like heaven.

    Thanks to all I've read I'm glad its something a girl can do often, so fingers crossed she'll agree to include more anal in future. Its something I know she enjoys but so far does want to do on a regular basis.

    Please continue to keep up this great resource. Thanks.

    1. Rob,

      I'm glad you like the BLOG. I really don't get to keep it up as often as I'd like. I hope there are those out there who are helped by it in some way.

      Now, to see if I can help your girlfriend greatly increase her desire for anal sex:

      How often do you and your girlfriend have anal sex? Does she ever orgasm during anal sex, whether by vaginal or clitoral stimulation or just anal?

      Feel free to email me at

  11. Is this open-endedness the reason you see pornstars pounded in the ass harder than in the pussy?

  12. I think you made a mistake at 'As far as the, "It's an entrance" argument'.

    Shouldn't that read - 'As far as the, "It's an exit" argument'

    Otherwise good post. Can we have some more like this?

  13. Oh my god! The rectum totally looks like the size and shape of a cock. I can't believe I never noticed that before. That's totally awesome. It's like the ass was made for cock.

    1. Is that sarcasm? I can't tell...

      Nevertheless, there is some truth in this observation. I don't understand the "unnatural" argument. Whatever the truth, whether by accident or design the anus does provide more pleasure and intimacy. The vagina...not so much...

      I just believe everyone should be free to have the sex they choose without others judging them. And nobody should be forced to do anything they don't like.

  14. The person who made the original entrance/exit remark just doesn't get it. For some women such as myself being able to have an alternative has meant the difference between a functional sex life and none at all. Drastic but necessary medical intervention left me with scar tissue and a very constricted vagina beyond the first few inches. Sex was painful not to say just about impossible. So my husband and I turned to anal sex, but not because we sought it out but because we no longer had any choice. I won't lie it wasn't easy at first, and I struggled with not feeling very feminine but after the repeated pain of vaginal sex we persevered. My husband was very gentle and understanding and luckily he found it just as nice for him. Over time it has got better and better for me so that now it is almost as easy for me as the way things used to be. It is a very different sensation but I think my brain has compensated in some way so that now it is fulfilling, and get close to what feels like a climax. So yes I get angry when reading that about people like me. How can it be unnatural in a loving marriage? What gives them the right to judge?

  15. I also wanted to ask folks about the viability of pumping the ass harder and faster than the pussy, due to the shape of the anal passage.

    Do folks find they can slam the ass harder and faster than they can slam the pussy?

  16. thank you ! we have had anal sex in our 20 plus years of marriage,and i love my wife endlessly. ..while not very often ,It was great we were safe,and loveing not just pounding her...well her, cervix drop and vaginal penetration. hurts her so much she tenses up...and doesn't. enjoy penatraion! i feel it is so wrong to judge and say a man is gay ,or it is for exit only ,we need an option other than oral copulation. gudgement is some times stated from blindness with out knowing

  17. I've found this blog, and this page in particular very interesting. Do you consider that there could be some element of design or purpose to the fit of the anus to the penis or is this just a fortunate accident? Whatever, it's reassuring to think that I'm not entirely alone in thinking along these lines. The doesn't appear to be a persuasive logical alternative, when you consider the many gynecological disorders experienced by women and the fact that the vagina actually only need to be used a very limited amount of times in order to fulfill its function. And on the other hand you have all these couples who attest that anal provides the greater pleasure for them. Why all the desire and interest if it is not a natural function? I'd love for you to explore this in another post and see if others share this view as I feel you only hinted at the possibility here.

    1. I think the function of the anus and rectum, that retaining feces until such a time as it is to be expelled are what make it better suited for frequent pleasurable sexual activity. The thicker, stronger muscle band around the anus cause it to be tighter, providing more stimulation, and to remain tight. Whereas the weaker, thinner muscle band of the vagina loses elasticity quickly, especially if a woman gives birth. Of course this is a common complaint of couples who practice vaginal sex.

      The rectal valves, and their ability to move closer to the anus allow them to be pushed down onto the man's cock. When done correctly, it feels similar to the most exquisite oral sex. In my experience with my wife, I think this is involuntary and happens just before and during orgasm. This stimulation is something the vagina cannot compare to and causes the man to experience more complete ejaculation.

      Speaking of more complete ejaculation, as I mentioned in the post, the rectum, being open ended also allows more complete ejaculation, as it allows the free flow of ejaculate beyond the rectal valves and into the woman's colon. The rectal valves then close as the man withdraws his cock, retaining his cum within her colon, where the beneficial compounds are best able be absorbed. Anal sex is far superior to the vagina in this regard, as the ejaculate is better retained and the colon provides for better absorption than the vagina.

      So, I don't know if the anus evolved (or was designed by a creator) for the purpose of more pleasurable sex that also enhances bonding more than that of vaginal sex. All I know is it unquestionably does.

  18. I agree with this as well as the majority of the comments here. There is no way the anus can be just an exit only, no way. Everything about the shape, size and feel of a womens ass suggests otherwise. It feels good, it feels RIGHT, and like the last comments says why else do so many men and women have a strong preference for anal sex if it wasn't meant to be? Instead of all the criticism and reasons why anal shouldn't be done isn't it time we thought about the reasons people reject vaginal supposedly the 'natural' way, for anal?

  19. It seems that just about every teen-aged sexually active couple has found out that oral & anal sex have certain distinct, perhaps unique, advantages. #1 Your parents can't find out about it ... you can even claim to be a "virgin in the front" as described in Esquire; #2 You're just about perfectly protected from getting pregnant ... unless you do some absolutely stupid things besides anal (or oral); #3 You don't have to pay for contraceptives, just band over & enjoy yourselves (to the maximum).

  20. Exit only? Nonsense.
